Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mark, Mandy, and the Mass go to the Roller Derby

Disclaimer: I couldn't think of another word for a group of people that begins with an "m" to continue my alliteration. My apologies for the title. No, we are not going to mass at church. 

Last Saturday the pharmacy crew went to the roller derby! At first the atmosphere exceeded our expectations. The people in the crowd with mow-hawks and questionable genders, the tights, the fishnets, the tattoos...too much to handle.


Thank you, Kara for the lovely update. Back to roller derby...LOVED IT! Definitely not as cool as "Whip it." Ellen Page is way cooler than Lindsey Blowhan, Sharon M' loins, BJ Tallywhacker, or Bette Mangler.

I was informed by a friend that what we should really be seeing is...Punk Roller Derby. It's going to happen. I'll keep you updated : )

Until next time, Peace.
Mandy of the Meanderings of Mark and Mandy

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Amanda Make a New Blog Post

Amanda please make a new blog post to take the place of this one. Kara notified me at work today that it hasn't been updated in a little. I kindly informed her that I mentioned to you that it needed to be the last time we worked together, but alas you forgot. So, I figure this public ridicule(that's not the right word, but let's go with it) will suffice and get you to take action. Thanks a bunch.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In my day this wasn't called a blizzard

So I realize as I'm typing this that the Blizzard of 2011(or whatever you choose to call it) is not over, but based on all the expectations, I have to say I'm disappointed. I was lead to believe we were getting this

But so far all I see is this

So I exaggerate a little. I'm just not impressed, and it doesn't always take a lot to impress me(ask my friends-that's why I'm friends with them). In fact if I was still in school, I would be showing up tomorrow in protest of how overrated this storm was.

-Mark(I reserve the right to change my mind depending on how it is when I wake up in the morning).

Morning Update: So I may have made this post a little prematurely, because shoveling this morning was not a pleasant experience. The main roads seem fine, the side roads...not so much. I give this blizzard a solid B. Would have been an A if it happened during the day instead of overnight when everyone was at home already.